"God leads us in steps. It takes humility to realize that we do not need to know where we are led. We just need to take the next step. If the leading is true and powerful, more steps will follow, and the ground will shift. God moves first through individuals; the Holy Spirit moves through individual gifts and leadings."
~Jay Ohara, Climate Activist, West Falmouth Monthly Meeting
As we seek to discern in what ways we are called to serve, implicit always is the question, to what end? As we search for guidance, what is it that is actually at stake? What are the outcomes our service is intended to bring about? Without such bearings it is difficult to judge the rightness of our direction.
And yet, in times of such fearful uncertainty--indeed perhaps the most serious crisis we have ever yet been in as a species--how can we take seriously the idea that we still have within our reach a future that is even survivable, let alone truly transformable?
We are that much more likely to head in the right direction if we are clear about what is at stake and exactly what must change. We begin this website with a vision of a livable future that is grounded in the experience of those around the world who are finding or helping create an economy and social structure that what works for us as human beings, meeting our material needs without causing harm and our social needs in ways that tend to bring out the best rather than the worst in us.
And yet, in times of such fearful uncertainty--indeed perhaps the most serious crisis we have ever yet been in as a species--how can we take seriously the idea that we still have within our reach a future that is even survivable, let alone truly transformable?
We are that much more likely to head in the right direction if we are clear about what is at stake and exactly what must change. We begin this website with a vision of a livable future that is grounded in the experience of those around the world who are finding or helping create an economy and social structure that what works for us as human beings, meeting our material needs without causing harm and our social needs in ways that tend to bring out the best rather than the worst in us.
Might a livable future still be within our reach? What is still possible?
What do we even mean by a "livable future"? And how do we get there from here?
Might a livable future still be within our reach? What is still possible?
What do we even mean by a "livable future"? And how do we get there from here?