Ecological Grief
Green house think tankWhat we believe is possible depends on our knowledge and beliefs about the world. Ideas can change the world, and Green House is about challenging the ideas that have created the world we live in now, and offering positive alternatives. Their mission is to communicate the critical analyses and policy prescriptions that will be part of the new paradigm and make them accessible to change agents. |
The Moderate FlankThe Moderate Flank seeks to shift the mainstream climate narrative towards truthfulness, and collectively build resilience in response to the challenges that lie ahead. They find, bring together, and support pragmatic, urgent climate initiatives already taking place. They also work to create an overall sense of identity and direction for the emerging new “moderate flank”, which is mainstreaming urgent climate action. |
System change not climate changeSystem Change not Climate Change is a non-profit network of North American eco-socialists united in the belief that capitalism is driving climate change and that a radical international grassroots movement can stop it. SCNCC believes the climate justice movement will unite with the labor movement, First Nations/indigenous and other struggles for liberation to create an alternative to the upside down world shaped by fossil fuels and corporate power. |
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