Toward a Livable Future
Now to act with integrity, according to that strength of mind and body with which our creator hath endowed each of us, appears necessary for all."
~ John Woolman
Humans are capable of living together sustainably. There are so many solutions truly within our reach!
Just as each of us is part of the climate problem, we are all part of the climate solution -- each in our particular way. What is nearest to your heart, and where might you find a platform for influencing change? We musty seek, in faith, that which we are each led to do for a livable future.
In the websites featured below, are a few of the MANY ways we -- as individual Friends, Meetings, or ordinary citizens -- can engage with climate action. We can and must engage with the component parts of climate solutions.
Just as each of us is part of the climate problem, we are all part of the climate solution -- each in our particular way. What is nearest to your heart, and where might you find a platform for influencing change? We musty seek, in faith, that which we are each led to do for a livable future.
In the websites featured below, are a few of the MANY ways we -- as individual Friends, Meetings, or ordinary citizens -- can engage with climate action. We can and must engage with the component parts of climate solutions.
Aiming Us Toward a Livable Future
Might a livable future still be within our reach? What is still possible? What do we even mean by "livable future"? And how could we get there from here? Can we meet the needs of all by healing rather than harming Earth's biosystems--or each other? Might we transition to systems and structures and ways of treating each other that bring out the best, rather than the worst, in each other? How can we best use what power we do have as Friends--as activists, changemakers, truth-tellers, citizens, donors--in service of the future we do truly need? |
The blue "cornerstones" on the adjacent image represent the four near-term outcomes we must achieve as soon as possible. Most of our concerns and climate actions fall into one or more of these categories:
(From the work of Nancy Glock Grueneich) |
Click on the images below to explore some well-considered responses to climate change, based on combining and integrating many solutions already well underway.
The Regeneration website is project of Paul Hawkens and Project Drawdown. It is a breathtakingly beautiful look at what is possible if we can put life at the center of all of our actions and decisions. It applies to all of life—grasslands, farms, insects, forests, fish, wetlands, coastlands, and oceans—and it applies equally to family, community, cities, schools, religion, commerce, and governments. And most spectacularly to climate. Visit this website for an uplifting experience of possibilities.
Project Drawdown's Climate Solutions 101 project is "the world's major educational effort focused solely on solutions. Rather than rehashing well-known climate challenges, Project Drawdown centers game-changing climate action based on its own rigorous scientific research and analysis. This course, presented in video units and in-depth conversations, combines Project Drawdown’s trusted resources with the expertise of several inspiring voices from around the world.
Along with stopping further emissions, and adapting to what can no longer be stopped, here are substantial efforts to decarbonize the atmosphere directly through technologies still under development, e.g. making concrete blocks that sequester CO2 "permanently." The Foundation for Climate Restoration has a mission to remove excess CO2 from our atmosphere by 2050. . |
earth breakthrough effect -- key steps that reduce emissionsWhat forces are now emerging that are strong enough, if brought together, to at last stop the exploitation of Earth and the destruction of life and bring into full force all the ways now emerging by which we can in fact meet the material needs of all without harm to planet or to people? Forces opposing needed changes are powerful indeed, but in the end, not nearly as much as nature aroused, nor the younger generations now massing to take back their futures!
C40 Knowledge Hub -- Cities' work to reduce emissions and adapt to climate changeRecognizing that human futures will be mostly lived in cities, 40 of the largest cities in the world collaborate to share solutions with each other, and all other cities and peoples, to provide "Cutting edge insights and practical resources from leading climate [action] cities," including policy briefs, data, implementation guides, cases and stories.
DEPAVE TO HEAL the planetAll over the world we are beginning to see efforts to re-wild urban areas, freeing the soil (as with the "depaving" photo above), restore healthy soils, regenerate forests and shorelines, rescue coral reefs, restore rivers, return animals, or migrate trees and eco-systems to climate-safer areas. Astounding successes are occurring where humans, recognizing their right relationship with Creation, are helping to restore nature. The double image below left is of a desert returned to life by human effort. |
save each otherResilient communities all over the world are working together, person to person, coming to know each other directly and coming to care about and trust each other. When the hard times hit, and they will, pretty much everywhere, often and repeatedly, we must be able to turn to one another. In the midst of the challenges, we discover our collective strengths--courage and ingenuity, loyalty and honor. Saving each other helps us save ourselves.